
Often the Direct Messages (DM)/Channel gets flooded with the discussion on a particular message and it might happen that a few important messages either get ignored or create havoc in the chat. 

To solve this issue, we have developed a thread feature for clutter-free communication. Creating a thread on a message allows you to keep the discussion organized and retain the original context of the current discussion. Your original chat also looks clean making it easier for replying, reading, and searching.

This also ensures that only people concerned will participate in the particular thread and the rest can ignore & continue doing their original conversation without any disturbance.

The thread will be open to all the members of the channel for viewing and replying. One can reply or react to any message in the ongoing thread. By creating a thread, a new section appears on the side panel which concerned people can join and start conversing. The name, the date of its creation, and the person's name who created it appear on the top of the thread.

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