How to sign up on workspace91

If you are new, you can instantly create an account.

How it works

Go to and click on Login. You will be directed to the signup page.

Sign up with your official email address via google or by making an account with an email and password.

If you sign up using google, a separate window opens up from where you can choose your official account.

If you sign up with your email and password, you will receive a verification mail with the link to verify your email. Clicking on that link will verify your account and log you in.

You can also resend the verification mail if not received.

If you are invited to or asked to signup via your company email address, you will be directed to the Pending invitation page, from where you can join the workspace.

If not you will be directed to the Create workspace page where you can create a workspace for your team.


The onboarding process is simple, swift, and quick so that users can sign up without any trouble.